![]() I have a nice long list of things to do when you are suffering from pain. I'm as big a fan of an over-the-counter analgesic as the next person...when you need it. OTC drugs, or prescription pain meds, have their place in our world, that's for sure. But there is no doubt that they are (1.) overused, (2.) only masking symptoms and not actually getting at the cause of the problem, and (3.) full of unwanted side-effects that make them not a good long term solution. So here's the first item on my list...I'll share more in coming weeks. #1 Arnica Montana When to Use it Arnica is great for any kind of trauma. Good to use before and after surgery, birthing, accidents, bumps, bruises, cuts, burns, etc. Arnica is an absolute essential to keep on hand with small children. Also, keep it handy for sporting events, practices, workouts, hikes, bike rides, or anywhere accidents are more likely. If there is any head trauma or possibility of concussion, use Arnica immediately! DO NOT LEAVE HOME without this one. Why it works Arnica is a homeopathic remedy. Homeopathy is based on the idea that “like cures like,” the same idea that vaccines are based on. So the plant, arnica montana, is one that if ingested in large quantities would cause bruising, muscles soreness and trauma to the system. So this is a “hair of the dog that bit you” remedy. But in this case, the substance that is used to stimulate an immune response in the body has been hyper diluted. In fact, at the most common dosages, there is not an actual molecule of Arnica Montana left in the whole bottle. So it works on an energetic level. Before you scoff and toss this (my #1 favorite) suggestion out, check out my story below! Links Susan Kramer at www.earthways.com is an amazing herbalist & homeopath. If you want to know more about Homeopathy, Arnica, and how to use it, she’s a great resource! (404) 248-1784 Boiron is a trusted brand for homeopathy http://www.arnicare.com/about/arnica-montana/ Good info on homeopathy in general as well as dosing recommendations. http://www.homeopathycenter.org/ Story I have a million stories about successful use of Arnica. There’s a reason it’s #1 on my list... From the time that I dropped a Big Ole TV on my big toe and took Arnica which prevented me from not only not losing my toenail, but also from bruising AT ALL....to the many times I know that this remedy prevented concussion in my small child after nasty blows to her head... to the time I used Arnica as my pain relief method after having all 4 wisdom teeth removed. I didn’t need the pain pills at all... But I’ll focus on the one with my mom. My mom had brain surgery for an aneurysm many years ago. We filled her prescription pain pills of course, but we never used them! I gave her Arnica Montana 30C sublingual by mouth before and after her surgery. During her 2 week recovery period, she stayed with me at my house. Every time she said that she had a headache, a symptom indicating brain swelling from the trauma of the surgery, I gave her a dose of Arnica. Generally, she would then fall asleep and wake up from her nap pain free. This remedy is a Must Have for pain relief! Stay tuned for more tips on how to get out of pain drug free in future blogs. Need pain relief now and tired of masking symptoms? Jump over to my Book Now button and make an appointment today!
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August 2017
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