![]() So, as you probably already know, Swine Flu, more correctly referred to as H1N1 flu, is not transmitted from pigs to people. Or from pork products to people -- though this picture may very well be showing us how the pig caught the flu. Your best bet for staving off the flu this season is to maintain and improve your immunity. 8 Tips to Avoid Flu and Improve Your Immunity: 1. Get Good Sleep. The body requires rest in order to repair and rejuvenate. When fatigued from lack of sleep, every system in our bodies suffers, and the immune system is no exception. 2. Wash Hands Frequently. Viruses and bacteria love to hang out in public places, on counter tops, door handles, light switches, etc. -- anywhere lots of people put their hands. So when you come home from being out and about give yourself a good handwashing. It's a good habit to get into in general, and it's essential if your trying to keep cold's and flu's at bay. A good rule of thumb when handwashing is to sing "Mary Had a Little Lamb" or "Happy Birthday" in order to help you remember about how long you should spend to get a thorough cleaning. 3. Drink Plenty of Water. As with sleep, every system, every cell, of your body requires water to carry out its function properly. Nutritionists recommend that we drink half our our body weight in fluid ounces Every Day. So, a person weighing 120 lbs requires about 60 fluid oz. of water daily. It seems like a lot, and it is. Try replacing one soda or caffeinated beverage a day with water. Keep water in your car for easy access, and keep a bottle at your desk and refill it every time you have to get up. 4. Pay Attention to Nutrition. Eating plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables is a must! Not only do fresh fruits and vegetables taste wonderful -- especially this time of year -- they are chocked full of the nutrients that help your body fight disease. Vitamins, minerals, and enzymes are essential to immune function and the best sources for these critical nutrients are fresh whole foods. Try a local market this summer to find fresh, delicious, locally grown produce. Click here to find one near you! 5. Vitamin C. One of the most powerful antioxidants in your body, Vitamin C is powerfully effective in helping you fight disease. Taking a quality C supplement can boost your immunity as well as improve your connective tissue strength and speed wound healing. If you are under stress or feel like you're fighting something off, it's a great time for a little extra Vitamin C. Because it's water soluable, your body will absorb all it needs and eliminate the excess. Like all things, Vitamin C can be overdone, so pay attention to your body and do the research to find the amounts that are right for you. When I feel the need for a little vitamin boost, I love to add Emergen-C to a small glass of water. It's refreshing and full of C and other essential vitamins and minerals. 6. Excercise. Getting your body moving is the ONLY way to get your lymphatic system working properly! In order for your body to eliminate illness, it must be in motion. Getting 20 minutes of some kind of activity every day will boost your immunity by keeping the sewer system of your body clean and flowing, allowing the garbage of our system to be safely eliminated. 7. Reduce Stress. Stress is linked to EVERY age related disease that is know to doctors. Take time to breathe, meditate, do some yoga, take a bath, and of course get a massage! Massage brings your body into the alpha brain state that allows for maximum rest and renewal. It helps release toxins from your vital organ systems and balances your energies, leaving you feeling relaxed, alert, and ready to go! Massage also feels great! So call or email today to schedule a massage to boost your vital immunity!
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August 2017
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